Post Slider Carousel & Custom Post Grids Pro
- Can be use placeholder image
- Mobile Per Row, Tablet Per Row
- Slider, Grid, Mansory Layout
- There is various layout of 5 template avaible in both
- Filter by different post categories
- Custom Post type allow
- Slider, Grid Avaible
- There is various layout of 3 template avaible in both
- Owl carousel supported
- Order by date, random, recent added avaible
- Slider title , font color, font size, font align, font weight
- Show/hide post title, post author, post date, feature image, post description , Pagination
- Increase and decrease post description by length
- Total posts, Per Row avaible
- Responsive slider and mobile frienldy
- Auto Play, Spacing Between two Post, Auto Play Timeout, Auto Play Hover Pause, Slider arrow
- WordPress post slider with thumbnails
- custom post type with gallery and slider