Charity & Donation for Woocommerce Pro

  • Select donation product manually
  • Can set minimum and maximum allowed donation amounts
  • Enable/Disable donation form on cart page and checkout page
  • Option to choose between what to show donation form or popup button
  • Option to choose where to display on cart page and checkout page
  • Donation form label and response text settings
  • Enable/Disable additional note in form
  • Enable/Disable additional note in form
  • Additional note label text customize option.
  • Response when donation amount empty text customize option.
  • Response when donation amount is less than & greater than minimum allowed amount text customize option.
  • Enable/Disable predefined donation amounts
  • Can set predefined amounts ex: (10|20|30) for amount button
  • Can set amount button and text colors
  • Add donation button text customize option.
  • Add donation button text font size customize option.
  • Add donation button text & background color customize option.
  • Enable/Disable donation button icon option.
  • Select any icon for popup button options.
  • Popup button text & font size customize option.
  • Popup button text & background color customize option.
  • Popup heading text customize option.
  • Settings to customize donation form popup button
  • Enable/Disable fixed donate us popup button in bottom right corner
  • Settings to customize fixed donate us popup button
  • Enable/Disable show donation collected amount
  • Can set heading text and second text