Calculate Contact Form 7 Pro

Cost calculator contact form 7
  • Multi Total field
  • You can put Prefix with field wise
  • Easy use
  • Support all summation , deducation , multiply and devision formulas
  • Additional support % = Find Modulus ex. 12 % 5 // 2, ** = Find power (^) ex. 3 ** 2 // 9, Sqrt = Find Square root ex. Sqrt(25) // 5
  • You can put Prefix on total
  • One Total field
  • Make radio price field
  • Make checkbox price field
  • Make select box price field
  • Make inputbox price field
  • Cross browser’s compatible
  • Customize format total
  • Finance calculators
  • Quote calculators
  • Booking cost calculators
  • Compatible in all major browser


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